Hidden Owl Projects

Twists and Turns  Poems by Lynn Skapyak Harlin (book)
Spider Lightning  Poems by Ben Atkinson (book)
One Foot in Front of the Other Poems by John Rowlant
Swamp Music: Gator Country’s Musical Legacy Michael Ray FitzGerald (book)
Mark My Words: Poems by Tonn Pastore  (website and book)
Smoke and Mirrors  Cynthia Thorson and Richard Levine (book)
Wise Practice Kimberly Wise with Richard Levine  (book)
Mixed Metaphors - Michael Ray FitzGerald (book)
Word Trips Edited by Lynn Skapyak Harlin (book)
Aaron's Little Light  gramma 'cilla (book)
Saturday At 2  North Florida Writers (book)
Notes from the War-Torn Poems by Joel L. Young (book)
Alice Grisham (client)
Michael R. Fitgerald (client)
Carrol Wolverton (client)
Edward M. Baldwin (client)
Joel L. Young (client)
Life Counseling Center, Inc. (client)
A Quantum Leap (client)
First Dream (film)
Time (film)
A Riverside Evening (film, written by);  info on film
(Additional projects not listed to maintain confidentiality)

Richard's Linkedin profile
Richard's IMDb page
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